
On April 22, 2022, countries and people around the world will once again celebrate Earth Day.

This year’s theme: “#InvestInOurPlanet” is aimed at accelerating solutions to address the impacts of climate change. But this can never be a one-man army thing. To achieve this, everyone must be involved – governments, citizens, businesses – and do their part.

Fifty two years ago, in April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day began as an environmental revolution. Then US Senator Gaylord Nelson organized the 1st Earth Day to push for environmental protection onto the national agenda. Today, we continue to embark on a massive education revolution to sustain our only home – this Planet Earth.

Earth Day then should mean reflecting on the impact of even our small actions to the environment as a whole. With this, Earth Day should indeed be an everyday affair.

“Our everyday choices and actions have ripple effects to our environment. How we manage our wastes, how we consume water, how we refuse single-use plastics, how we minimize or eliminate food waste – all these and more are the things we decide upon on a daily basis. When collectively we choose to be mindful and be aware of the positive or negative effect our actions have on this Earth, only then can we either sustain or destroy our home,” notes DENR 6 Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran.

Join us as we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2022 by doing some of these small actions, which collectively, become great solutions:

When we love this Planet Earth, it will sure to love us back many folds. This is our home and we have all the reasons to clean it up and sustain it as a safe place where we reside.